Fun and educational

Playing is important for the development of children. By playing with Twickto they develop their motor skills, stimulate their fantasy and learn to collaborate with other children. With Twickto, children can design how they experience their world and develop their talents in a playful way.

    Work together with Twickto

    Working in groups offers the possibility to make use of the latest insights on working with the STEM approach (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). The students then work together as a team of engineers/designers who collectively think about a solution for a problem based on preliminary examination. This could include creating a budget, if certain numerical amounts are linked to the objects used, and adjusted to the child’s maths level. The tasks are distributed and discussed within the team and are to be presented to the class. Fun and educational.

    Twickto-ing by hand or by using a key

    The basic components are the pieces consisting of one, three or five cubes and the connection pieces. With the help of the key (TwickTool) they can be connected with one click. The straight side of the TwickTool can be used when only little force is required. More force can be applied when using the curved side. With this you can directly demonstrate the principle of leverage. Ask the students for more examples of levers (crowbar, spade, opening a paint tin with a screwdriver, etc.) or point them out. Then draw the conclusion that levers supply more strength or enable you to apply more force.

    Core objectives in education

    The special components offer access to a whole world of possibilities in the field of motion and transport. The shafts, wheels, propellers, screw and steering wheel form the basis of many vehicles and stimulate the creativity of children. Terms such as, among others, structures, materials, transport and connections are dealt with in detail under the learning objectives for engineering, as well as making calculations using units, two and three dimensions and other aspects of mathematics. Those topics are followed by others such as spatial imagination. This connects to various learning objectives in Primary education for mathematics and engineering.